Monday, October 19, 2009

BrokenCompass: How to go about it

Once you are done with installation and index creation for brokencompass, can play around with the search capabilities of it..

Point 01. ruby script/console
==> Output
Adding BrokenCompass Version: 1.0
Loading index... [broken_compass/advertisment.index]

Point 02. Searching in all fields, i.e not using extended_mode
==> Returns an inference hash like this
# Time elapsed in the execution(in seconds)

# Field(s) which is/are available for indexing
:fields=>["location", "title", "description"],

# Weight given to different attributes to ranks result items
:column_weight=>{:description=>10, :location=>10, :title=>10},

# Count of total records found

# Boolean field to unload indexes from memory once query is fired

# Boolean field for extended_mode, set to true when using attribute(column) level searches

# Boolean field for PLURAL forms of search word

# Result set with weighted scores
:weighted_records=>[[14844, 20], [17445, 20], ... , [15148, 10]]}

# Limit to result set

# Offset to result set

Point 03. Searching in extended mode i.e specifically in some attribute(from the attributes used in sql query for index creation)
Advertisment.look_in_brokencompass("'job'@title", :extended_mode => true)
==> Returns an inference hash same as above
:column_weight=>{:description=>10, :location=>10, :title=>10},
:fields=>["location", "title", "description"],
:weighted_records=>[[14607, 20], [17685, 20], ...... , [13727, 10]]

Point 04. Searching in extended mode and also using other possible options
Advertisment.look_in_brokencompass("'job'@title", :extended_mode => true, :offset => 4, :limit => 5, :column_weight => {:title => 40, :description => 20})
==> Returns an inference hash same as above
:column_weight=>{:description=>20, :location=>10, :title=>40},
:fields=>["location", "title", "description"],
:weighted_records=>[[17947, 80], [17946, 80], [9597, 80], [12556, 80], [25975, 80]]

Point 05. To retrieve data results from above mentioned conditions and critriea
Advertisment.find_with_brokencompass("'job'@title", :brokencompass => {:extended_mode => true, :offset => 4, :limit => 5, :column_weight => {:title => 40, :description => 20}})
==> Returns an result-set array of type Advertisment

Point 06. To user "and" & "or" operators in extended mode
Advertisment.look_in_brokencompass("'job'@title | 'career'@description", :extended_mode => true, :offset => 4, :limit => 5, :column_weight => {:title => 40, :description => 20})
==> Returns an result-set array of type Advertisment
Advertisment.look_in_brokencompass("'job'@title & 'career'@description", :extended_mode => true, :offset => 4, :limit => 5, :column_weight => {:title => 40, :description => 20})
==> Returns an result-set array of type Advertisment

In case of any further queries please contact me at praveen[dot]kumar[dot]sinha[at]gmail[dot]com

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