Thursday, November 13, 2008

Hacking out JIRA from atlassian

Note: i am not being negative over here just a bit naughty :)
Relax guys!! i am not actually hacking it out... i have just exploited one of the processes and what purpose it solves.. well it depends...

One can reuse expired evaluation version of JIRA any number of time and successfully running this hack will again grant you one cycle of 30 days evaluation
(this will do work till the time real guys didn't come to know about it :)) )

so now what if you evaluated jira and you liked it but not want to pay (but guys, developers too are human beings so don;t make it a habit :)) ) 

Try this work around.

Even if everything is hanged up at your local jira server, it provides the facility to get the backup in the from of xml(a single file) and system even provides a zipped version too 

so the prerequisite is to have a backup file from the jira running machine and unzip to get the backup XML, and then follow the following steps..

Step 1: Get a JIRA back up and un-compressed it to get the real xml if was compressed.

Step 2: In the XML search in the lines which contains following strings.
<OSPropertyString id="10013"
<OSPropertyString id="10014"

Clear their values.. and the lines should look something like
<OSPropertyString id="10013" value=""/>
<OSPropertyString id="10014" value=""/>

Step 3: Now in the out of date jira... go in section for "Restore data from xml"

Step 4: Provide the modified jira backup file path and jira location file path and <don't> enter any licence........ and click "restore"

Step 5: It will give "JIRA Access Constraints" on the page with some details like 
< 2008-11-12 17:47:07   error   Invalid license key specified. >

Step 6: Click the "Edit License" link, which will take you to "Confirm License Update" page

Step 7: At the bottom of page there is an statement "You can generate an evaluation license instantly online" click the "online" link word which will take you to

Step 8: Now provide the atlassian credentials i.e email and password.... and log in

Step 9: You will land in "Generate Evaluation License" click the Generate button  and copy the generated "License Key" from the text area

Step 10: Update "License Key" so generated in "Confirm License Update" page and click proceed

if everything remains intact you are done
and now restart the server and you are again up for 30 days


  1. hi
    thank you for this trick.
    Do you have any idea on how to do the same for plugins.
    I actually run jira with a mysql database and want to réevaluate a plugin. i suspect the expired date is stored in the database but don't know in wich table

  2. Hi Ramzi,

    Thanks for writing in.. but it is years old post and am no more playing with JIRA.

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