Sunday, April 29, 2012

Not able to see skype in the top notification bar in ubuntu

This is something i saw with skype installtion on ubuntu 12.04
Even though skype was running fine, icon in the notification bar was missing (i know it happens sometimes) but it is pretty annoying to bring active skype window in this case. Googled a bit for an answer and found a very sweet and simple answer :)

open a terminal and execute following command
  • gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Panel systray-whitelist "['all']"
  • unity --reset
and in Ubuntu 12.10 one needs to run
  • unity --reset-icons
And now it is available there after reset


Honda Civic & A/C problems.

Hello Friends, Got a post again on to Honda Civic (The good old favorite commuter of mine). This car has been doing great except for so...