Monday, May 24, 2010

3 step Memcache install in ubuntu with rails binding

#To Install memecache
sudo apt-get install memcached
#To restart memcahce
/etc/init.d/memcached restart
#To install ruby binding gem to memecache
sudo gem install memcached

and to start memcache automatically on system startup
sudo gedit /etc/default/memcached
# Set this to yes to enable memcached.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

3 step RMagick install in rail/ubuntu

sudo apt-get install imagemagick
sudo apt-get install libmagick9-dev
sudo apt-get install libmagickwand-dev
sudo gem install rmagick

yes thats it :)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mirrored text is fine but why upside down

It has been really a while now.. have posted something here :) but its better late than never..
This post is about one of the head turning material that i got while i was going in for tea break on the other side of road (we do so because its small fun break even though we have very good pantry)

And i was wondering this is to seek attention of viewers and will act as publicity stunt or some more un-understandable logic behind it!! what you say??

Honda Civic & A/C problems.

Hello Friends, Got a post again on to Honda Civic (The good old favorite commuter of mine). This car has been doing great except for so...